Sometimes website designers uses many resources from external URL to their webpages, this will be helpful for to reduce the bandwidth usage in webserver. Some website provided many images and downloads files; in this situation CDN services is helpful for minimize the webserver storage size. Following useful external resources helps for web developer to make faster web development process.
Bootstrap CDN
BootstrapCDN helps to uses the Bootstrap and JavaScript files through web URL, this free services provided by powerful content delivery network of MaxCDN.
jQuery CDN
jQuery CDN provided all version of JavaScript files, designer can easy to use URL to call jQuery files in their webpages. Also designer can prefer to use the version of uncompressed, minified and slim.
Google Font
Google Font is one of the famous web font databases, using this designer can easy to add the custom font in their webpages. In this database more than 100 fonts available and easy to integrate the websites.
Google reCAPTCHA is helpful to minimize the spam in website contact forms; web developer can just use reCAPTCAH API to validate the web forms.
Image Placeholder helpful to make any size of place holder image by URL, designers just mentioned the image size and use to their website wherever they needs.
Google Photos
Google photos helps to reduce the webserver bandwidth, you can upload the images to Google Photos account and create the URL for the particular image and add to your website.
Google Drive
Google Drive helps to reduce the webserver storage size, your website need many download with huge size? You can upload any files to Google Drive account and provide the download link to your website.