Joomla website day by day increased, because of its updated features and best supports. This is one of the best Content management system and latest version of Joomla supported to mobile devices also. We have listed most important Joomla extensions; this will be making your Joomla website more powerful.
top10 joomla extension

1. Newsletter

Newsletter is most important for every website, AcyMailing Newsletter extension helps to build newsletter module. Using this extension you can collect the user email address, create the Newsletter and send the bulk email newsletter to you customers. In this extension by default have many newsletter template available so everyone easy to create the newsletter.


2. Image Slider

Banner images make more beautiful for every website, DJ Image slide extension helps to make animation banner in your website. By using this extension you can control banner animation transition and speed.


3. Website and DB Backup

Database backup is save your website life from any disaster, so every website must get regular backup source and databases. Akeeba Backup extension get regular back your Joomla website and database and move the files to your FTP. These Archives can be restoring the backup on any web hosting.


4. Advance Module manager

Advanced Module manager is helps to make your work easier, by using this extension you can make module look and feel with simple way. Also you can control publishing modules such as menu Item, User group level, templates, Browsers, components, categories, article, tags and many more.


5. Language Filter

United Language filter makes more user friendly language switcher for Joomla website. This module overrides the default language switcher to language flags in elegant dropdown, so user can easy way to change the language.


6. SEO

Search engine optimization is huge important for every website page ranking, sh404SEF extension helps to improve your website SEO ranking and website traffic. Already many website using this extension improve their website ranking, this extension supports google analytics, tag manager, limit flooding attacks and many more features included.


7. CSS and JavaScript Optimizer

Script merge optimize your Joomla website CSS and JavaScript files. If you use more than 5 CSS and JavaScript file website performance will be affect, script merge compile all files into one files so loading time will be improved.


8. Ecommerce

EShop Joomla extension support to run ecommerce website, by using this you can turned your Joomla website as shopping cart. This module included all shopping card features such as catalog mode, manufacture list, related products, Call for price, Wish list, Gift voucher supports, PDF invoice and many more.


9. Live Chat

My live Chat extension helps to communicate real time visitors and website support people. This chat software track geo location and complete information about the visitors, also these chats provide the complete history of chat transaction.


10. Flip Book

ARI Flip book extension create the beautiful flip book from images, this will be more interact to your website visitors. This extension easy to create the flip book from your website images also you can control transition effects and customize the designs.

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