Many bloggers using WordPress for their blogs, sometimes they will face one strange error of HTTP error while uploading the images. This article explains how you can solve the image upload HTTP error in your WordPress blogs.

Solve HTTP error in WordPress

Following point helps you to solve the HTTP error in WordPress blogs:

Update PHP version

if you are running an older version of PHP in your hosting package, then you have to update the latest version of PHP of 7.0 or higher. Why because some WordPress plugin not supported in the older version of PHP, so that it might show the HTTP errors.


Disable the Plugin

You have to disable the Plugin one by one what you have installed, may be any one of plugin making the image upload HTTP error. If you found the particular plugin you have to check any update available for that, or else you have to get support from the WordPress Plugin forum to solve the issues.


Increase the PHP memory

Every hosting provider must be set the maximum image upload size for security purpose. You must optimize the image size or ask your service provider to increase the PHP memory size. You can also do this yourself by adding the following line in the wp-config.php file in your WordPress root folder.

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');


Folder permission issues:

Sometimes images upload folder does not have the proper permission, so must you provide the proper permission. Login to your FTP and move to wp-content/upload and set the permission level as 755.


One thought on “How to solve HTTP error in WordPress while upload images?”
  1. thanks… for this informative post.. i have seen this error many time while uploading pictures..but here the solution..

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