Every day many websites affected with RCE Vulnerabilities, mostly affected open sources content management systems such as Joomla and WordPress. This post explains about how you can protect the websites from RCE vulnerabilities and make it more secure.
protect website from RCE vulnerabilities

What is RCE vulnerabilities?

Hackers always try to hack the website by using Remote Control Execution method; this is injecting spam files to website server by using URL POST comment. If your server FTP server or website administration is using less secure password, then they can enter the website for FTP folder to insert the spam files. You can check your website impacted with RCE vulnerabilities by using your website server log, it will show complete details of website page access with IP address.


RCE vulnerabilities are most dangers for your website security because spammers enter your website server folder and uploaded spam files. This will be affected your website traffics from all search engines; sometimes spam files redirect your website URL to spammers websites from Google search results, you must secure your website from RCE vulnerabilities attack.


How to protect website from RCE vulnerabilities?

Following most important checklist protect your websites from RCE attacks:

  • Install Firewall for your website, if you using Joomla you can install Secure Firewall extensions
  • Regularly check your website server log, files and folders
  • Install strong Antivirus software for your websites
  • Regularly change your website administration and FTP passwords with strong password structure
  • Regular backup your website source and database this will helps you revert if your website affected. If you are running WordPress website than you can use the auto backup plugin
  • If your website as WordPress than you can setup Google Authentication security, this will protect your more secure
  • Review your DB query errors from your website control panel

Most of this point you have to review every day or at least once a week to protect your websites.

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