Blog content uniqueness is very important for your page SEO ranking. If your blog content as it is displayed in other blogs or websites, definitely your SEO ranking will be affect. Because all search engine check content uniqueness. Some people stealing your content for their websites, because they don’t have knowledge about content originality issues. In this cause both website will be affect in SEO Ranking, so your full effort will be waste.
How to find Blogs Content Duplicate:
You must check your content originality often by using any one of following content duplicate checker tool:
If you found your blog content duplicate in some other blogs. You will take action immediately otherwise your SEO ranking will be affect.
Contact Blogs/Website Owner
Your original content displayed in some other blogs you must immediately contact to website owner via email and explain about content duplicate issues such as Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), because many people don’t have knowledge in content uniqueness. Wait for their replay within a week. If they don’t reply you must apply content removal request to Google.
Duplicate content removal request to Google
Google provide the service duplicate content removal via Google DMCA. If you are owner of the blogs, you can file duplicate content blogs via Google DMCA form. Google check this content issue and if they found, will be remove issues content blogs from Google search index.
What is DMCA?
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is USA copyright law. This act helps to stop website content thefts such as website text, images, logo and any copyright in internet. If you found any your copyright content from your website you can take legal action using this copyright law.
Protect your content using DMCA website
DMCA is helps to stop your blogs content thefts. They are providing professional services such as block right click, website copy scanning, image watermark. You can also use free DMCA banner for provide the warning, who stealing you blogs content.