Telegram messenger recently released its new version, this version supported user can create the custom themes. This is most helpful for the user can create and set their favorite color in telegram apps. This post explains how a user can create their own custom theme in telegram apps in step by steps.
Create custom themes in Telegram
- Open your telegram messenger apps
- Check your version in settings page (custom theme start from version v3.17)
- If it is not updated please update the latest version
- Then go to Settings -> Themes
- By default, Blue color theme only available click on the Create New Theme menu
- New Theme window will be appearing here you can enter your custom color of the theme
- Now Color pallet icon will be displayed
- Click on the icon to open custom color settings
- Here you can create the color which you need to change the colors
- Eg: if you would like to change window background color, click on the first menu of windowBacgroundWhite
- Now color pallet will be displayed, here you can pick the color what you like
- If you know the color code you can directly enter the RGB values
- After choosing the color click to SAVE
- Then you can change the colors wherever you need to change
- After choosing the color click on SAVE THEME to save the color theme
Now custom color has been created and set to your Telegram apps. If you would like to change the color theme, click on the more icon in the right side of the color and choose Edit.
Now color pallet icon will be displayed, here you can change the color and save the settings.