Many blogger would like to remove category base URL for their blogs, why because they are think about SEO benefits. But some SEO experts (Yoast SEO) told it is not important for SEO benefits even if you remove the category base URL from search engine index. But you can remove the category keyword from your blogs URL.
remove wordpress category from url

Why need to remove Category from URL?

Typically WordPress blog category will be displayed in category page URL, but this is not good for blog URL structure rule. Also, this URL is not pretty good so must remove the category from your blogs URL. This post explains how to remove the Category from your blogs URL, you can choose any one of the following methods as you wish.


1. Remove Category by using Plugin

Remove Category URL WordPress Plugin helps to remove the Category from URL. Using this plugin you don’t need to change your current permalink settings. This is the very simple plugin so you can just install and activate the plugin, this will be automatically configured and remove the Category from URL.

This is compatible with WordPress Multilingual Plugin (WPML) so even if your blogs supported multi languages your URL will not be affected and this will be working on subcategories also. This in build logic will 301 redirects from old category permalinks to new links so that is plugin good for SEO.


2. Remove Category by using Permalink Settings

If you would like to remove category URL without using plugins then you can choose Permalink settings method. Following steps explains to remove the Category from URL.

  1. Login your blog admin area
  2. Go to Permalinks under Settings section
  3. Select custom structure options
  4. Add “/%category%/%postname%/”
  5. In optional area in Category base Add “.” In the text box and click to save changes

remove category from URL
Now your blogs page removed Category from URL.


Please note: Permalinks settings method is not recommended for longtime solutions, why because in future WordPress update this may not work.


2 thoughts on “An easy way to remove WordPress category from URL”
  1. Hi Mr Ganesh,

    Thanx for the information on that mentioned plugin for the removal of the WordPress category from URL ,
    Could you please share some information on sidebar customizing in wordpress.
    It will be very helpful for many people if you let us know how to customize the sidebar.

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