Nowadays many website or blogs send the push notification to their visitors, this notification will be alert the user know about latest updates of the website, even if they are not open the browsers. This push notification will be very helpful for all blogs to increase their web traffic and the users always engage with your blogs.
web push notifications creator

Create Push Notification for your Blogs

We have listed here best 3 push notification plugin for your blogs; you can install these plugin in to your website and notify the latest update to your users.



PushEngage is the best web browser notification plugin, you can install this plugin in to your blogs to notify the frequent update for your viewers. This plugin provide the free services up to 2500 subscribers also you can monitor the detailed traffic for your website, also this is provide the WordPress plugin, so easy to integrate your WordPress blogs.



InformVisitor is another one push notification plugin, if you are running WordPress blog than you can easy to integrate with its plugin. This is provide the free service up to 1000 subscribers with 500 push notifications, also notify the mobile devices. InformVisitor also provide the visitor tracking system, you can easy to monitor your website visitors status from this dashboard.



iZooto is the intelligent web push notification service providers, this will be provide the notification for your website users by desktop and mobile devices. This notification will be supported all major browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge, so your website or blogs user always engage with your latest updates. You can also set the trigger based notification; this will be displayed the notification right time of your users.


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