Nowadays everyone using WhatsApp for communicating their friends and families. Most of the people addict on the WhatsApp groups, they are always sending any message to their friends. Some people always use stickers to make the message more fun. Sometimes people would like to make their own stickers from their photos. Here we have listed 5 Android mobile apps to make the stunning custom stickers from your own photos.

WhatsApp custom sticker

1. Sticker Maker

Sticker Maker is one of the best custom sticker preparation apps by using this you can easy to make the stickers. You can easy to maintain the sticker pack and use it to the WhatsApp messenger. Already more than 3,00,00 people have installed this app.


2. Sticker Make for WhatsApp

Sticker Make for WhatsApp is another one best app. This app automatically removes the background based on the color and you can add the custom text to make your sticker more meaningful. You can add the emoji and funny images to the stickers. Also, you can easy to publish the stickers and import them to the WhatsApp massager. More than 1,00,000 android mobile already installed and use this app.


3. iSticker

iSticker has many characters to make a more powerful sticker creator for you. This app easy to handle and create custom stickers within few clicks. This app has many categories of characters to include your custom stickers.


4. Wemoji

Wemoji is perfectly cut your custom photos what your need to show the stickers. This app includes the freehand cut features and inserts the default characters and text. This app faster to make the custom stickers from other apps.


5. Stickify

Stickify is another one app to make creative custom stickers. Here you can maintain the sticker as a different category and easy to import and use to WhatsApp. It has many defaults beautiful character to use your custom stickers.


All of these apps really help to make the powerful custom sticker for WhatsApp.



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