Website security is always the biggest deal for many companies because hackers always hacked famous websites which is less secure. Day by day hackers increased to hack the websites for improving their skills. Unfortunately, if your website hacked; then how can you recover? In this post explain complete information about recovering the hacked websites.
recover hacked website

Change strong password

One of the biggest holes is hackers enter the website by using the weak password, hackers easy to enter the website by using SQL injection algorithm. So make your website password very strong. This will be done your website FTP, Database and website control panel. Use the different password for all of these website accounts. If you are using google webmaster then enable the 2 step verification for more secure.


Review your website root folder

Check your website root folder by sorting the modified dates, if you found any unnecessary files delete immediately. If you are using Joomla or WordPress than you have to check configuration and htaccess files.Probably hackers target your website sitemap XML files, because this will be immediate impact in Google and Bing search results. So review your XML sitemap and restore the old backup of your website files and database.


Remove unwanted plugin

If you are using WordPress or Joomla websites than uninstall the unwanted and low-security extension or plugins. Joomla and WordPress frequently provide the update for the security fix, so keep the latest version of your websites. If not provided the update for any extension or plugin then immediately remove that, because hackers enter your website older version of extensions.


Block spam URL in google search results

You can find your website spam URL by entering the google search, you can check all page results whether it is URL is actual page URL or spam URL. If you found any spam URL in search engine results by using your domain, then you have to block the URL by using Google webmaster URL removal tool.


Recrawl your website

After removing the hacker’s source, you can set to recrawl your website in Google and Bing search engine for making the better results. Resubmit the sitemap XML file and set to index, you can do this setup by using Google and Bing webmaster tools.


One thought on “How to Recover Hacked Websites?”
  1. Nice information. It is also possible that your competition may try to hack your website. Best option is to have it backed up at regular intervals.

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