WordPress files backup is most important for every bloggers, this will be safe from unexpected server down or phishing attack in your WordPress blogs. So regular WordPress files and database backup is most important for everyone, but this is really harder work for many people. Because some web hosting provider charges auto backup process so that some people manually getting files and database by using CPanel. How can you setup WordPress Auto backup with free of cost?
how to make auto backup WordPress files and database

Free Auto backup WordPress plugin

Some of files and database plugin available for WordPress blogs but this will be work manually, after getting backup people manually download and maintain the backup files from their computer. BackWPup is the best plugin to make auto backup for every WordPress blogs with free of cost. After backup done it will move the files to your FTP or your dropbox account, so that your WordPress blog is always safe. This plugin is not only getting backup, you can also use optimize database, repair the error database and XML export.


How to setup WordPress Auto backup and move to dropbox?

You can setup WordPress auto backup process by using following steps:

  1. Download and install BackWPup WordPress plugin
  2. After installed activate the plugin
  3. Go to BackWPup dashboard and click Add a new backup job link
  4. In General Tab choose the your backup job name
  5. Under Job task must select Database backup and File backup option reset of option you select as you wish
  6. In Archive format select Tar Gzip, because this is most compressive format
  7. In Job destination select Backup to Dropbox and save changes
  8. Move to schedule Tab, select start job with WordPress cron option under Job schedule section
  9. In schedule execution time select basic type
  10. If you are frequent blogger then select daily scheduler option otherwise select weekly
  11. Move to DB backup Tab, select all database tables by click on all link, if you wish to compress the database file select GZip
  12. In Files Tab leave it as it is and move to Drobox Tab
  13. Create dropbox account if you don’t have one, if you have already click on Get Dropbox App auth code button
  14. It will be redirected to dropbox website and sign in your dropbox account
  15. Dropbox API authentication page will be displayed and ask you to provide the permission click allow button
  16. Now authentication key will be generated copy the key and paste to App access to Drobox field in WordPress plugin then click save changes button
  17. Your dropbox will be authenticated

Now scheduler jobs will be run and getting backup than move to your dropbox account as per your scheduler time.By using this WordPress plugin you can also move your backup to Amazon S3 service, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace cloud files and SugarSync. Moreover this is the best plugin for getting auto backup WordPress files and databases.

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