Most people using a credit card for their day to day purchases, at the same time cybercrime also increased. Sometimes credit card details have been stolen and the thief’s made the duplicate card to use your money. People always be aware of using your credit card at any places. Here we have explained some features to secure your HDFC credit card.


International transaction feature should be disable

  1. Login in to your HDFC Credit card Netbank
  2. Click on the International Enable/Disable link on the left side bar
  3. Then select your card and choose the option to disable the international transaction
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  5. If you need to make international purchase that time only must enable and after completing the transaction you must disable this feature.

This will be really helping to secure your money from international fraud


Set Sub limit for cards

  1. Click on the Set Sub Limit link on the left side bar
  2. Then select your card, here you must set the minimum amount of Credit Sub Limit. This means if your card limit is 75000 then you must set small amount of the limit
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  4. Then enter the amount Card Limit per transaction. here also set the minimum amount
  5. Then enter the applicable date. This is possible to set 90 days only.

After set this you card will be secure if you card details has been stolen.


Set Net limit for cards

  1. Click on the Set Net Limits link on the left side bar
  2. Then select your card, here you must set the Daily Net Limit and Limit Per Transaction amount.
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Here you must set the minimum amount. This will be secure your card from online transaction fraud.


Block Lost/Stolen Credit Card immediately

If your credit card stolen or lost, then you must immediately block your card. Otherwise your money will be lost. Sometimes you cannot reach the customer support team immediately in this case you can ease to block your card using Net banking account

  1. Click on the Credit card Hotlisting link on the left side bar
  2. Then select your card and choose the reason and click submit to immediately block your credit card.
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All of these features really help to secure your HDFC credit card.


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